View From Out West: Home in stead? Head bump, rough road molded author
Here’s as much of Stan Nelson’s story as I know: He came down to the peninsula from Anchorage in the late 1950s and claimed the homestead land next to the France and Thomas properties. He then brought down (according to Dan) a “piece-of-shit ...
Local Sports Schedule
For more information call Karen at 321-8987. Away, TBA, Juneau-Douglas/Thunder Mountain High School Cross Country, Alaska State High School Championships at Anchorage’s Bartlett High School. Home, 2-5 p.m., Juneau Jumper tryout practice at Glacier Valley ...
Alaskan Reporter Who Quit Live on Air Offered Citizens 'Biased' Coverage of Marijuana Issue
Like Us on Facebook Charlo Greene had been reporting about the benefits of smoking marijuana for months during her stint at KTLA 11 News in Anchorage until Sunday night when she divulged that she was the owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club. Greene's ...
Anchorage man runs to Fairbanks for Equinox
The Equinox Marathon is considered one of the toughest 26.2-mile races in the nation. That distinction comes with its climb to the top of Ester Dome, an elevation gain of 1,800 feet. The Equinox, though, seemed easier for David Johnston, considering what ...