Anchorage Loussac Library unveils $15 million overhaul
Anchorage’s Loussac Library is going under the knife to the tune of $15 million just in time for its 30th birthday. Library administration pulled back the curtain on a redesign that was more than two years in the making at a public meeting Sept.
Sarah Palin shares sweaty, make-up free photos on Facebook
When exiting out of the Bikram Hot Yoga in Anchorage, Alaska, Sarah Palin was caught unexpected as paparazzi snapped photos of her looking unkempt after a workout on Sept. 15th. However, instead of fighting the viral spread of the photos, she posted them ...
Oral arguments set in case hoping to unravel Walker-Mallott ticket
With the state having already mailed more than 2,300 ballots for the Nov. 4 general election, Anchorage Superior Court Judge John Suddock on Thursday set an expedited schedule to deal with the lawsuit against Treadwell and Elections Division director ...
Fast ruling sought in Alaska ballot lawsuit
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- An Anchorage judge is moving quickly on a lawsuit challenging an emergency order that allowed two Alaska gubernatorial candidates to fuse their campaigns into one ticket for the November general election. Judge John Suddock has ...
Orion a step closer to deep space; NASA practices pulling it from sea
On Monday, NASA, along with a team from Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Navy, boarded the USS Anchorage at San Diego Naval Base to take a practice run at recovering the Orion – the space agency’s latest achievement in deep-space exploration – from the sea.